Thursday, August 21, 2014

August 21: Monument Fever

     Today's post is going to be an experiment.  Instead of going on and on with my silly words, I am going to describe the day with photos.  I will limit my written commentary to ONE sentence per photo.  Can I do it?  We shall see.  Let the experiment begin!

 Our first stop was the Martin Luther King Memorial and if you look closely, you can see I have assumed the same pose as the great civil rights leader.

                                        Clearly Martin was a wise and quotable man.

 Dan and I continued on to the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial where I wheeled the former president out to enjoy the warm sunshine.

                                         Franklin was also a very quotable man.

                                           Do they really have to explain that?
                                                 More Roosevelt wisdom.

                                           Next up: Thomas Jefferson's Monument.


                                                          I must say, Thomas is tall.

Roosevelt also knew his way around a quote AND he could write sideways. 

We've seen a lot of helicopter surveillance this week.

You have to admit that I resemble the Washington Monument.

We proceeded up to the White House again and I just HAD to get a Secret Service picture.

Another demonstrator in front of the White House.

Our next destination was the National Geographic Museum where we saw an interesting exhibit on the artwork of the Incan civilization but we were not allowed to take pictures there, however, quite by accident, we discovered the Ansel Adams gallery at the Wilderness Society building and I was able to snap this photo of Dan enjoying the work of the great wilderness photographer.  (That was difficult to get into one sentence.)

Finally, I got this shot of the subway station before taking our friend (the subway) back to the hotel.



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