Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Prologue: USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!

     I am going to our nation's capitol.  Some call it Washington, D.C.  Some call it Warshington, D.C.  Some just call it D.C.  Some call it The District of Columbia.  Some call it The 51st State.  Some call it The Epicenter of the Most Powerful and Ruthless Country On Earth.  Some call it The Focal Point of Truth and Justice.  Some call it The City With the Most Corrupt People In America.  I call it my August 2014 Vacation Destination Courtesy of My Father, Ronald W.J. Garceau.  It's true.  He invited his three sons to accompany him to The President's Stomping Grounds where he is attending some kind of conference.  Being one of his sons, I readily agreed to go.
     He made it very easy to accept the invitation by assuring us that the group sending him to the conference would pick up the tab for travel and hotel room.  My youngest brother, Dan, also attracted by the word "free," is also coming along.  (He assured me that he will do enough goofy stuff on the trip to provide me with abundant material to make this blog worthwhile.) The middle brother, Rick, said he wouldn't go to that hell-hole with us even if my dad's organization PAID him to go.  That's just a silly joke.  In reality, Rick was in Washington, D.C. just last week with his bright daughter, who presented a research paper at the American Psychology Association convention.  He really didn't need to come back home for a week and then make ANOTHER trip back to The Land Where Senators and Representatives Make Stupid Laws.

     Ah yes, D.C., home of Congress and the Supreme Court.  I haven't been there since I was in about 6th Grade.  I thought it was so cool then.  I am much wiser and more cynical now, and yet, I am seriously looking forward to it--and that's not ONLY because it will be relatively cheap and I will have the chance to spend a week with my dad and brother.  I will also get to spend some time around some of our national historic and governmental sites, monuments, and museums--and if I am really lucky, as a bonus, I just might get the opportunity to heckle a couple of Tea Partiers.
     I am also going to make a special effort to find out the name of the organization that is making this trip possible.  I'm guessing that "special effort" will begin and end by asking my dad.  He probably knows the answer, considering that he has to attend the conference.   


  1. Well son # 1, it seems like the the fun has begun. I did explain to you all the info you seem to have misplaced or just forgot it.

    1. The Conference is sponsored by Community Action Partnership and I have worked and am on the governing board for the past 23 years. We work to bring the low income families out of poverty & self sufficient. Northeast Iowa Community Action covers 7 counties in Northeast Iowa. Programs we work with include County Relief, Child & Adult Care Food Program, Health programs in Family Planning, Affordable Housing, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, Weatherization Assistance Program, Family Development Self Sufficiency, Family Services Outreach Program, Head Start Early Childhood Programs & Northeast Iowa Transit Programs.

    I am attending the 50th Anniversary Conference of Community Action Partnership which was started with Pres. Johnson, signing the bill 50 years ago and Sergent Schriver heading the national efforts.

    With all that said, This Garceau is looking forward to the drive to DC and the time I can spend with my sons and experience our nations capital. This experience, just does not come to this father very often...... the last time was a trip to Glacier National Park about 25 years ago, camping in the rough of my mini van and the two of them sleeping in tents. I still take heat form them about that and the trail mix I personally mixed myself.

    I am sure, if I have a choice, we will experience a great trip at Washington like we have never experienced....... age has a lot to do with it and yet we will keep each experience a treasure we can recall the rest of our lives. My only regret is that son Richard will not be coming as he was in DC last week with daughter and they had a great trip too.

    This is my 4th trip to DC and 2 of those trips were with my son in their very young years. The first trip was 44 years ago and I had driven all day & night to get to DC from Dyersville, IA and landed in DC about 7:00 am. We could not get into our hotel until 2:00 pm and I stopped by the Washington Monument to get a little snooze....... that did not happen. The 3 sons wanted to climb the Monument...... I did not. It was a memorable trip too.

    With all that said, bring on the fun, the laughter, the jokes, the experience and the sites..... I am ready for the challenge.
    Bring it on Garceau Sons, Bring it on!

  2. That was long comment, but it DID remind me that I have to ask him about the name of that organization.
