Friday, August 22, 2014

August 22: Animals, Including Humans

     Last evening, after Ron's conference convened for the day, the three of us busted the car out of the parking garage for a trip to the Washington National Cathedral.  Wow, is that an impressive shack.  Not only is it gigantic and ornate, but it's also situated at the highest point in the city so you can see it from everywhere. 
     The cathedral provides spiritual nourishment, but we sought ACTUAL nourishment at Potbelly's Sandwich Shop.  We had a good meal together.  At least I know my meatball sandwich was superb.

                               The Washington National Cathedral--a gothic masterpiece.

     Dan wasn't too interested in the National Zoo--another branch of the Smithsonian--so I walked the six blocks there by myself.  The zoo didn't officially open until 10:00 a.m. but you can walk through it anytime.  At 8:30, I was able to see a bunch of animals with hardly any human animals around.  I really like viewing animals, but I do feel sorry for them being in captivity--even if they do have some room to roam like they do in this zoo.
     The highlights, of course, were the giant panda and the tiger and the lion.  The tiger was certainly the most vocal animal this morning.  It would let out a loud roar every 20 seconds or so.  I sure am not a tiger translator, but my instincts tell me he was saying, "GIVE ME MY FREEDOM!"
     The lion let out a roar as well.  I guess that's what big cats do in the morning.  It was a more complacent roar than the tiger's as if to say, "I'm not sure if I can escape this place." 
     I didn't hear a peep out of any other animals.  In fact, they hardly moved at all if you don't count the movement of jaws chewing food.  I guess most of the animals have given up any hope of being free.

                                  I am the fastest land mammal in the world and I am bored.

                                                                 I belong in Africa.

Here's what I think of this.

I don't deserve this.  I am the largest land mammal in the world.

If only I could use these antlers on my zookeeper.

Quit staring at me.

If I show part of my face instead of my plumber's smile, will you just go away?

                                                                Who's the monkey?

                                                                   Give me freedom!

I am the king of the jungle.  Let me out.

I wish I could swim the hell out of here.

Oh great, I get to eat horse food.


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